University of California, San Diego
1. Tumors that possess Somatic Non-silent mutations for GPCRs, in each cancer type. If a gene is mutated in a tumor, the corresponding entry will show a ‘1’, or ‘0’ if not mutated. This data allows estimation of the number of tumors that show a non-silent mutation for a specific gene, in a specific tumor type.
2. Occurence of all somatic mutation events in each tumor sample. Indicates the type and location of mutations. A gene may be mutated multiple times in the same tumor, hence number of mutation events will typically > number of tumors that show a mutation to a particular gene, as tabulated for ‘a’ above.
These data were compiled from TCGA mutation data, hosted at ( The specific source for mutation data for each tumor (sequencing center and analysis pipeline) are indicated in Table S1.
In addition, a summarized version of these data can be found in Supplement 2.
In addition, analysis of GPCR mutations to identify potentially significant mutations, via MutSig2CV is provided below: Mutsig2CV files can be downloaded here
Analysis was performed by the Broad TCGA GDAC project and hosted at, MutSig2CV results for each cancer type were downloaded from this source and results for GPCRs specifically were extracted and can be accessed in the files downloadable via the link above. If using these data from Broad TCGA GDAC, please refer for information about how to cite.
Kidney Papillary Cell Carcinoma
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Each file contains 3 worksheets.
Annotated log of all detected mutation events, including the identity of the mutated gene and the type and location of the mutation, plus whether or not the mutated gene is a GPCR.
For GPCRs mutations, the number of mutation events of different types (e.g. missense or nonsense mutations) encountered within that particular tumor type.
Since Missense mutations are the most commonly occurring type of GPCR mutation, the frequency with which these mutations occur is quantified for each GPCR in each individual tumor sample. This can be easily modified or expanded to other types of mutation by modifying the lookup function within the worksheet.
Kidney Papillary Cell Carcinoma
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Results were downloaded from the Broad GDAC portal
Data for GPCRs aspecifically are at the top of each file, sorted by gene name.