University of California, San Diego
The file below contains quantification of the number of GPCRs in each tissue type or tumor that couple to different classes of G-alpha G proteins. Also included are expression weighted quantifications of the same, plus the total number of GPCRs present at different expression thresholds.
Use the link below to download a file into which you can paste a list of GPCRs and obtain quantifications of the number of those GPCRs that couple to each G-alpha G protein. Will also yield an expression-weighted version of this coupling calculation.
Use the link below to download a file with the impact GPCRs have on survival, for a range of tumor types.
The input metadata and GPCR expression in CPM used to computes these values, plus the R code to generate these survival results, can be found here:
From figure 4 of our updated manuscript, a phylogenetic fan plot showing different clusters of GPCRs in solid tumors, based on their median expression in TPM in each of 45 tumor types/subtypes.
From figure S2, a phylogenetic fan plot showing different clusters of GPCRs in solid tumors, based on their fold change over corresponding normal tissue, in each of 45 tumor types/subtypes.
Download a high-res version of the figure in a pwerpoint slide using the link below.